Archive for March, 2018

How Normal Are Your Garage Storage Habits?

Wednesday, March 28th, 2018

Everyone is different, and we know that many of our customers use their garages for different reasons. So how much do you have tucked away in your garage? Take our quiz and find out how normal your storage habits are! Just give yourself a point for every item you keep in your garage and tot up your total at the end to find your score.

1. A car.

2. A bike, or maybe even bikes!

3. Tins of paint – may still be just about usable, but it’s fairly likely that you’ll never use it again!

4. Large cardboard boxes – these may be the boxes that your large appliances arrived in, or may just be from when you moved house.

5. An old workbench – it may have been years since you last used it, but you never know when you’ll need to make a set of shelves again!

6. An item of sporting equipment from a long lost sporting dream – this could be anything from a tennis racket to a hockey stick, you may not have used it for 10 years but you can’t face the idea of throwing it away!

7. A very large, heavy television set from the 90s – seriously, who throws a TV set away… and how?

8. Piles of dust sheets – well, where else are you going to store them?

9. Roughly 243 instruction manuals from gadgets you no longer own.

10. An old sweet tin or ice cream tub filled with screws and nails.

11. At least one large piece of old furniture from the 80s that will never see the light of day again.

12. Old Christmas decorations that don’t quite meet the cut for being stored in the attic.

13. An Allen key for every occasion, and probably at least three of each size.

14. A ladder of some description.

15. A selection of cleaning supplies that may be at least 10 years old.

0 – 1: Do You Even Need a Garage?

You have so little in your garage, you might as well not have it! Are you sure a cardboard box wouldn’t do the job?

2 – 4: You’re a Minimalist

You like to keep your garage looking neat and tidy and free of clutter.

5 – 8: Very Normal

You have a perfect balance, making great use of your garage, but you can still move around in there!

9 – 11: You Must be a Hoarder

Your garage is a little on the full side! That’s what it’s there for, keep storing!

12 – 15: You Need a Clear Out Now!

Are you able to even get into your garage?! It might be time for a clear out…

Whether you garage storage habits are normal or not, here at Lockup Garages, we’re not judging. You can find out more about renting a garage from us by getting in touch with us. Just give us a call on 020 8882 8575 or fill out our online enquiry form and we will be in touch.

How to Organise a Garage Sale

Wednesday, March 28th, 2018

A garage sale can be fun, a way to declutter your home and best of all, profitable. It can be a fun and rewarding experience for anyone that organises one of these fantastic days. However, it is important that you get the planning right leading up to the event to have a truly great day. Organisation is a key component of a perfect garage sale.

So, how do you organise the perfect garage sale that will get you lots of sales?

Put Up Signs

If people do not know there is going to be a garage sale, rather obviously, they will not turn up to one. There is an element of marketing your sale that is vital for a successful day. It may be a bit of extra effort and time, but it will be worth it to create more footfall to your sale.

Arrow signs can also be a fantastic idea to lead people to the sale, as the easier you are to find, the more people that are likely to actually find you.

Use Tables

No one wants to buy something off of the floor – unless that’s it’s natural placing – so putting a few tables out is the best way to go. You look more professional and it makes browsing much easier for your customers. They don’t even actually have to be tables, you could pile up a few of the boxes you have lying around or make do with whatever table-like objects you have lying around.

Have a Free Section

Sometimes, you don’t actually want to sell everything that you want to be rid of at a garage sale. Or at least you’re not too fussed if they are purchased for the attractive price of £0.

A free section, or a whole box depending on your generosity, also makes people more inclined to make a purchase. It seems a greater bargain to buy something, then get an added extra on top of that for no cost.

Fair Pricing

Don’t overcharge. Of course, you want the most money for your own benefit. But, ultimately people won’t expect to have to pay a huge amount for second-hand goods. Having a pricing strategy that is fair to both you and your potential customers, then, is important. If you want more money for a certain product, try a buy one and get one free strategy in order to ensure value for money.

At Lock Up Garages, we specialise in providing garages for rent up and down the country. If you would like to find out more about any of our services, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with a member of our team by calling 020 8882 8575 and we will be more than happy to advise you further.

Great Storage Unit Moments on Film and TV

Wednesday, March 28th, 2018

Storage units are becoming more and more popular, and movies and TV series are reflecting this. There are countless amazing moments captured on film that feature self-storage units – some are scary, some are serious, others are hilarious.
There are many great self-storage scenes, so cutting them down to a manageable list was difficult! Take a look below at the films and TV shows we think portrayed the units in amazing ways:

Breaking Bad
This show is responsible for many pop culture references and has already become a classic! Skyler is unable to launder the large amounts of money coming into her car wash, so she does the obvious: she rents a storage unit and hides it there. This scene is one of the most iconic, especially with both Skyler and Walter staring at the huge pile of cash and wondering what to do with it…

Storage Wars

No one can speak as fast as the auctioneers of Storage Wars! The speed with which they spell out names and numbers is truly astonishing, especially because they can keep track of who’s bidding at all times! But viewers who tune in to watch the show do it mainly for one reason (apart from the drama happening on-screen): to see the contents of the storage units being unveiled.

What will be inside? Will the bidders find valuable objects? Or will the unit be empty? Part of the popularity and excitement of the show is peeking inside locked units and see the treasures hidden inside.

Arrested Development

An incredibly funny show that had a huge following, Arrested Development saw the adventures and misadventures of the Bluth family, and one of the most iconic moments is just in the second episode. Michael believes that his father, George Sr, is still conducting business from prison, so he tries to get inside his storage unit to find out more.

The unit is completely burned down, however, as George Sr was intent on destroying evidence, and so sent a former convict-turned-employee to do the job.

Silence of the Lambs

Who can forget this psychological thriller that is now a cult classic? The whole film was tense and scary, and that famous scene in the storage unit was no different. Dr Hannibal Lecter sends Clarice to a storage unit that ends up playing a crucial role in the film; without it, the young FBI trainee would never have found what ended up becoming a pivotal clue for her case.

Storage units are not only popular in real life, as they’re just as important in films and TV shows. If you are looking for storage solutions, we have exactly what you’re looking for – with great prices and offers as well!

How To: Spring Clean Your Garage

Wednesday, March 28th, 2018

Spring is the perfect time of year to think about all those things you keep in your Lockup Garage and how you can better use the space. So, if you’re looking to give your garage a good spring cleaning, make sure to take a look at our tips to get you started.

Cleaning Supplies

Declutter Your Space

The best place to start is decluttering your garage in order to cut down on what you keep in your garage. You are likely to find a number of items that you no longer need or want, enabling you to clear some space for other, more important things.

Why not move everything out of your garage and take an inventory as this will give you a clearer idea of the things you may want to hold on to and the things to get rid of.

Get Cleaning

Once everything is out of your garage, this is the perfect opportunity to get to cleaning! Sweeping the floor is always a good place to start, especially if you don’t fancy doing much else. Not only will the space look better, it also means that the items you store are less likely to be soiled when it comes time to retrieve them from storage.

Sort Out Zones

Depending on what you want to store in your garage, it may be beneficial to arrange zones for your storage. It is wise to organise things based on how often you are likely to need access to them. The items you need access to the most should be easily reached so you don’t have to re-organise every time you need to retrieve something.

Label Everything

To make things easier for yourself, you could create labels for any boxes you have. This way, you don’t have to go searching for things every time you want to find a particular item.

Have a Sale

If you have items that you no longer need or want, you could make a little extra cash by taking them to a car boot sale. Alternatively, charity shops are often looking for donations – you may need to check what they are willing to accept before making the trip.

Having a good spring clean can make your Lockup Garage feel like new, so why not jump on the season and make the most of it!

At Lock Up Garages, we specialise in providing garages for rent up and down the country. If you would like to find out more about any of our services, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with a member of our team by calling 020 8882 8575 and we will be more than happy to advise you further.

You’re probably used to see your garage as a space where you can store anything you can’t, or won’t, have in the house. That’s true to a certain point. There are certain items that shouldn’t be stored in any garage, especially because it’s not a room that is climate-controlled. It also can’t keep critters and pests away.

Take a look at some of the things you should never keep in your garage:


Your garage is not the best place for books. This is because it’s likely the space will be subjected to changes in temperature, poor ventilation, pests and humidity, which will do paper no favours… When placed in a humid environment, books will become weaker and mouldy. If you do not have any other option than to store your books in your garage, make sure to wrap your books in waterproof containers.


It might seem like a good idea to store leftover paint in your garage, but if you plan on using it again, avoid it! garages are typically warm in summer and cold in winter, and these extremes can ruin the paint – even if it’s properly sealed. If placed on the floor, paint cans will also become rusty very quickly.

Canned Food

Storing food in your garage is never a good idea, but neither is storing canned food. With temperatures higher than 21oC, your food will have a shorter shelf life and, when they reach 35oC, the food will spoil very quickly. As for low temperatures, if they happen to freeze they won’t spoil – however, their quality might diminish.


Objects made from wood, like furniture, should never be stored in a garage. Wood is fragile and susceptible to humidity: the wood fibres swell and contract with the moisture in the air, which can lead to cracks. Wood is also vulnerable to pests, which can ruin your furniture.


Also because of the humidity levels in your garage, electronics should not be stored there. No matter what they are, TVs, computers, DVD players, etc., avoid the garage unless you don’t intend to use them anymore.

We love that you want to store everything in your garage, but the truth of the matter is that that’s not possible. If you do, make sure that you can control the moisture and temperature of the room, to avoid finding your possessions ruined! Contact us to learn more about our storage solutions and we’ll be more than happy to answer any questions you may have!

The Different Type of Garage Users

Wednesday, March 28th, 2018

A garage can be a great storage solution for many different reasons. For this reason, we offer a number of different locations to suit the many reasons you may have for using Lock Up Garages for storage.

So, what are the different types of garage users are typically storing their treasures in our lock up garages?

The New Parent

Bringing new life into the world is beautiful, a moment you will never forget. However, this new life also comes with a lot of space that is suddenly taken up in your home. This means you need to find space for all of the unnecessary items in your home, but that you don’t quite have the heart to give away.

A garage is a perfect place to store these items, as you either save to upscale your home to fit the items again or your child grows to allow the items space back in your home.

The Mover

Sometimes, moving to a new home can be a lengthy process – especially if you are having to sell one home and buying another. As such, you may find that you need to move into temporary accommodation in the meantime. This may mean downsizing in return for convenience. As such, you will need somewhere to store the items. A lockup garage is the best solution for this, as it will give you a perfect place for you to leave your possessions until you are ready to move.

The Downsizer

Or you might be downsizing your home permanently. In which case, you need space to store all of the furniture that no longer fits until you sell it or move again. For those pieces of furniture that are too large, but are perhaps family heirlooms, then this is the best way to hold on to them for future family members.

The Memory Keeper

Some may say this is ‘hoarding’, but holding on to memories is one of the best ways to commemorate a lifetime of achievements and memories. However, you don’t want these to block up space in your home and so having an external storage solution for this is the best solution. All of your memories can be kept in one space, conveniently located for you to explore your history whenever you choose.

If you would like to find out more about any of our services, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with a member of our friendly team by calling 020 8882 8575 and we will be more than happy to advise you further.

Making the Most of a Small Space

Wednesday, March 28th, 2018

Garages tend to be on the smaller side as a rule. There’s always the exception, of course, but most of the time you’ll have to store your car or your possessions, as well as installing a workshop for your DIY projects, in a tight space. We understand how frustrating this can be, which is why we want to help you make the most out of your garage so that you can enjoy it to its fullest!

But how can you take advantage of your space?


Maximising your vertical space is one of the best ways to make the most of a small room. A great way to do it is by shelving from floor to ceiling, which can service as a storage area – and avoid boxes everywhere! And if your garage has rafters you can even pay down some boards and use the new space and storage of bulky items, such as bicycles or surfing boards.

You can also install cabinets in the garage to place all of your tools. Not only will your floor be uncluttered, but everything will be a lot more organised. And easy to find!


Don’t you wish you could just pick up a shelving unit, a bin or workbench and move it somewhere more convenient where you don’t have to keep elbowing your parked car when you move? A great solution to this is to place wheels on them so that you can turn stationary units into mobile ones.

You can move them all around and away from walls, for instance, to create a much-needed temporary workspace – or even move them out of the garage for bigger projects.


The last thing you want to do is organise every single screw, nut, and bolt into labelled boxes or drawers. It might be a tedious and time-consuming process; however, it allows you to keep your garage organised so you don’t have to keep searching for this or that. This also means you won’t have to move everything out of the way everything you want to find nails, fishing poles or wires.

In a small garage, the best thing to do is to ensure your tools and other objects are all visible or, at least, in clearly labelled storage units. Otherwise, it can be a pain to even move around the space!

Extra Storage

If you still find this is not enough and you simply have too many things, don’t despair! A lock up garage can be a fantastic solution to any of your storage needs, given that you can move everything that is currently cluttering your garage to a difference space.

Make it your 2017 resolution to keep your garage in tip-top shape! Take advantage of every available space by following these tips – we’re confident you’ll soon be enjoying your ‘new’ garage if you do! Contact us today to learn more about our lock up garages and how you can benefit from having one.

Converting Your Garage: What NOT to Do

Wednesday, March 28th, 2018

Converting your garage can be a long process, as there are many things that you need to consider and do in order to convert it well. There are plenty of things that you should do when converting a garage, but also many things that you shouldn’t do. Unfortunately, sometimes it is easy to not realise the difference between the two.

So, what shouldn’t you do when converting a garage for more uses?

DON’T Knock Down Walls

Walls are the support system that holds up your home – the same can be said for the garage. If you remove one, without properly consulting a professional, then you may discover that you have in fact removed a load bearing wall. This would eventually lead to the roof of your garage collapsing entirely as there would be nothing to support the roof.

If you are considering removing a wall you should first consult a building inspector, ensuring that it is not a wall which will negatively affect the integrity of the building once removed.

DON’T Cover Ventilation

It is tempting to cover anything that mars or otherwise disturbs a wall. However, you should resist this temptation when it comes to ventilation. Often, garages do not have windows and unless you plan to insert some in your garage then covering ventilation panels can be very dangerous. This is especially true if you plan to use your garage as a workshop or for other uses that will create a build-up of dust or debris.

Ventilation is irreplaceable for your long-term health and the safety of your garage – so, don’t cover them!

DO Check Building Approval

Sometimes converting a garage without the approval of your local governing body can be illegal. This changes depending on the size of your garage, what you are converting it for and other such factors. You should seek out the advice of local authority and determine whether your proposed alterations will need permission.

If so, your conversion may need to wait until this planning permission gains legality.

DO Hire a Professional

Hiring a professional is the obvious answer when converting a garage; it helps to reduce the likelihood of a mistake occurring due to DIY. This is especially the case when it comes to electrical wiring and plumbing. One mistake with either of these can lead to serious, life-threatening, problems and so you should always seek professional help.

It will also likely be completed much faster with professional help, as they are more likely to know what they are doing and will be able to work faster.

If you want to know more information, then please don’t hesitate to contact us. Just give us a call today on 020 8882 8575 and one of our incredibly friendly members of staff will be more than happy to help.

Prepare Your Garage for 2017: Top Things to Throw Away

Wednesday, March 28th, 2018

With 2017 just around the corner, many people are thinking about their New Year’s resolution. The team here at Lock Up Garages suggest you start the year off by clearing the clutter out of your garage!

We know that it can be hard to let go of some of the items, but it’s for the greater good, we promise! Every time you get sentimental, just think of all that space you’ll free up.

We’ve complied a list of some items that we think you should consider throwing away before going into the New Year.

Things That Are Broken or Out of Date

This may sound obvious to some, but once you start going through the contents of your garage, you’ll find that quite a few items are either broken or out of date.

That power tool you bought many moons ago has seen better days and that saw from the last millennium has gone blunt. Many of the tools you will find in your garage will be rendered useless if you tried to do a spot of DIY with them now.

So, it’s probably best to start to sort through those tool boxes, you’ll be shocked at just how much ends up in the bin!

You’d also be surprised at just how many things that you store in your garage have a use by date. Things like cleaning products, motor oil, paint and batteries all have a set lifespan. So, if it’s gone off, get rid!

Unused Sporting Equipment

With the kids grown up and addicted to video games, that skateboard and the decaying football goal are probably not going to be used again. So, why not donate them to a charity shop, or simply take them down the local landfill?

More often than not, sports equipment are awkwardly shaped items that can be difficult to store.

You’ll be shocked at just how much space you can save once you start getting rid of all the sporting goods you’ve accumulated over the years.

The Unfinished Project

Remember that project you started years ago, but you never got around to finishing it? It’ll probably have some sort of sentimental value to you as it was started with good intentions.

But as we find out, life gets in the way of things sometimes and the likelihood is the project is never going to get finished.

It’s probably time to let go of it and save some space in your cluttered garage!

Outdated Electronics

With technology evolving so quickly in the 21st century, we find ourselves constantly upgrading our electronic goods. The replaced electronics usually end up condemned to a lifetime in the garage, rotting away.

The bulky old TV, endless game consoles and speaker set you’ve got stored away in your garage can take up a whole lot of space!

You’re probably never going to use them again so it’s time to get rid and better utilise the space you gain.

The Collectables

Any hoarders among us can relate to this one, some people have large collections of memorabilia that is worth a pretty penny.

Others have masses of objects that have been accumulated over time, that may have little street value, but huge sentimental value.

The only problem with these kind of items is that they usually take up vast amounts of space!

If you can afford to use that space, then by all means hold on to those prized possessions. If not, maybe it’s time to quit the hoarding and let go!

If you’re looking for storage solutions, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with an expert here at Lock Up Garages. You can call us on 020 8882 8575 or simply fill in our online enquiry form, and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Merry Christmas From Everyone at Lockup Garages!

Wednesday, March 28th, 2018

Merry Christmas From Everyone at Lockup Garages!

It’s that time of year again, and here at Lockup Garages we’re getting pretty excited for another Christmas spent stuffing ourselves full of all the very best festive foods and drinks! So this seems like the perfect time to wish all of our customers a very happy Christmas!

We want to share our Christmas wishes with all of our valued customers who have made it possible for us to have such a great, successful year.

Here at Lockup Garages, we have had a fantastic 2016 and have had the opportunity to work with a huge number of great people. We can’t wait to get stuck into 2017 with all of our current customers as well as with new customers – we just know it’s going to be a good one!

We expect to continue to deliver the very best in garage rentals and customer service, so you can count on us in 2017. Make sure you also continue to check out our blog where you will be able to find plenty of tips and advice, making your life easier!

So, for now, we would like to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! We hope you have a wonderful festive period and we’ll see you again in the New Year.

If you would like to find out more about any of our services, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with a member of our friendly team by calling 020 8882 8575 and we will be more than happy to advise you further.

Even More Unusual Items Found in Garages

Wednesday, March 28th, 2018

We at Lock Up Garages like it when we find stories across the UK, and even across the world, of very unusual items being found in people’s garages, as they would be the least likely place to find these items in a traditional sense.

We have started off in one of our previous blogs called ‘The Most Unusual Items Found in Garages’, so it’s now the time to carry on with the second part to this mini series.

A WW1 Military Arsenal

In September 2014, a man from St. Albans in Herefordshire was arrested for a military arsenal within his garage. It turned out that the man has been digging up and collecting artillery, ammunition, and anything associated with the military from WW1, and even parts from WW2, for over 40 years.

Apparently, the bomb disposal unit was called in to examine the collection to make sure none of it could be used. Eventually, the entire collection was destroyed.

An 18th Century Jewish Manuscript

Some of the strangest items that can be found are ones that have a religious significance, as you would naturally wonder why it would ever be in someone’s garage.

A garage in the Greater Manchester town of Bury was actually a home for such an item. It turned out that when the owner of the garage was clearing out their house and garage, they found a 300 year old Jewish manuscript in a cardboard box. The manuscript was written in Jewish religious text, possibly something that could have been passed down from previous generations.

A 1968 Chevrolet Corvette

In Colorado Springs in 2011, a woman passed away and passed on her entire estate to her next door neighbours. It turned out that, when the neighbours went next door to check out the house and garage, they discovered a 1968 Chevrolet Corvette.

It was reported that the original owner of the car bought it with some money that she won in Las Vegas. The car itself had clocked just under 3,000 miles, which is astonishing considering the fact that the car is currently 48 years old.

In the end, the vehicle was auctioned off for a whopping £75,000!

And there you have it! Who knows, if you have a rummage through your garage, you might find some weird and wonderful treasures within your garage. At Lock Up Garages, we specialise in providing high quality garages to a multitude of customers.

If you want to know more information, then please don’t hesitate to contact us. Just give us a call today on 020 8882 8575 and one of our incredibly friendly members of staff will be more than happy to help.

Following our recent post on frequently asked questions, we decided it would be handy for you to have even more of your queries on our services answered.

What Is The Minimum/Maximum Lease On A Garage?

Most people who rent with us choose to enter into an on-going quarterly agreement, which will run for as long as you need our services.

If you are looking for a short-term rental, we do offer a one month rental, although this may be subject to a one-off administration fee of £25.00.

If you find that after the initial month of renting, that you require a longer-term lease on your secure storage facility, we would be more than happy to extend the rental agreement for you.

We offer a flexible approach to our leases, and we are willing to help secure the right storage facility for you, to fit your budget and requirements.

What Locations Do You Have Storage Facilities For Rent?

We are proud to have the largest portfolio of lock-up garages in the whole of the UK. Our collection boasts around 14,000 garage units, which are available on over 1,000 different locations.

We have storage space all over the country, from Plymouth to Nottingham. Our service also covers the entirety of London and extends down onto the south coast near Brighton and Eastbourne.

If you’d like to see a detailed map of our locations click here.

If you don’t happen to find a storage facility in your desired location on our map, please feel free to contact us, as we keen to continue adding units to our portfolio.

What Can I Put In My Lock Up Garage?

Simply put, anything that will fit!

Our storage facilities are designed primarily for vehicles, but our storage facilities are fit to serve almost any domestic purpose.

If you are looking for a secure place to store your work tools, our storage facilities across the country could be the answer to your storage needs.

Our current clients use their lock-up garages for a wide variety of reasons, from storing excess furniture following a downsize in house to keeping their vehicle in a safe place overnight or while on holiday.

Whatever your needs, we pride ourselves on offering a hassle-free, streamlined service.

If you would like any more information, feel free to call one of our friendly experts on 020 8882 8575, who will be more than happy to answer any questions you may have.

Alternatively, you can submit an online quick enquiry here and we will get back to you as soon as possible.