What Size Garage Do You Need?

Garages can be used for a wide variety of applications; whether it’s somewhere to house your car safely when it’s not in use, act as an additional storage space or even be converted into a living area.

But how can you tell how much room you will need, especially if you are looking to keep your car in your garage? What are the standard measurements you must know before choosing a garage?

For Storing Cars…

It may come as a shock to many people, but the standard garage size hasn’t really changed much since garages were first introduced. Of course, if you are building a garage, you can make it any size that you require, but the standards seem to have remained the same.

For a single car garage, the standard here in the UK is usually 8 by 16 feet for a small garage, 9 by 18 feet for a medium sized building and a larger 10 by 20 foot garage can also be created.

To ensure that you’re getting the right size garage for your car, it takes a little bit more effort and planning than simply pulling out a tape measure and finding out the dimensions of your car. You will need to take into account some of the other factors that may affect the size of your garage; the amount of room you need to open the door and get into your vehicle.

On average, cars are usually around 1.8 meters in width with their doors closed, so you will need to account for the driver’s door being able to open adequately, too. This is usually accomplished by adding an extra 800mm to the width of your car, as well as 300mm on the passenger side to ensure that the car fits comfortably, but not too snugly!

For Storage…

Storage wise, it really does depend on what you are intending to store in your garage, as well as how much you want to store there, too.

If you are simply storing items that you want out of your house that are in boxes or are compact in size, you should be able to get away with using a standard garage size. If the items are much larger (such as large dining tables, bikes or other large objects), it might be best judging how much you will actually really need to store, and if there’s anything that you could get rid of.

If not, it would be wise to opt for a larger garage option, just to fully ensure that you’re going to have enough space available! It’s also best to go for the larger, more spacious option if you are looking to keep some space free for more item storage in the future, but only make this choice if you know you’ll definitely be looking to add to your storage, otherwise you may end up wasting your money on a larger garage which you don’t actually need.

If you’re looking to rent a garage, but don’t know what size you’ll need, feel free to contact the team here at Lockup Garages today – we’ll be delighted to help you find the best garage solution to suit your needs.

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