Spring Clean Your Garage

So, get your gloves and cleaning supplies and get ready to deep clean your garage!

Follow these three simple steps and you’ll be finished in no time:


Garages tend to get cluttered very quickly, which makes it difficult for you to navigate and find what you need. Clutter can become dangerous, as you can trip over something and seriously injure yourself. In addition, if you happen to have any mould in your garage, you might not be able to see it due to having piles and piles of your belongings.

Make sure to remove what you don’t use and don’t need, so that you can have more space in your garage. You can give away items you don’t need to charity, and be sure that someone in need will appreciate them.


After decluttering, make sure to thoroughly clean your garage. Allergens are particularly harmful, and dust or mould need to be taken care of so that you don’t develop or worsen any health issues. With asthma being a big concern, ensure that every object is properly cleaned. You might not have realised that your cardboard boxes have developed mould, so check them all individually.

Sort through your possessions and make piles of what you don’t need. Donate them to charity or to friends, to make sure that they are still utilised and not wasted!


Take some time to think about how you want to organise your belongings. Do you need shelving? More boxes? How often do you need to access what belongings? An efficient system will ensure that your possessions occupy less space and that you can reach them quickly when you need them.

Label boxes, shelves, and everything else. You’ll find that you’re more organised and the effects will be seen on your mood. An organised garage leaves you less stressed and worried, and you can relax and focus on what matters to you!

Spring cleaning doesn’t have to be a long process. Start small and work your way up to the bigger items for an efficient organisational method. If you need a garage to storage your growing amount of possessions, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us! Our friendly team is always available to answer any questions you might have, providing you with the best possible service.

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