Six Famous Business That Started in Garages (Part 3)

Now some of the world’s biggest and most respected companies, their humble beginnings can all be traced back to garages.

Your garage is truly what you make of it!


Walt Disney has always had a big fascination and love for cartooning, which translated to an interest in being an animator. Today’s highest-grossing media conglomerate started at Walt Disney’s uncle’s house in 1923. The ‘First Disney Studio’ started in the garage, with productions such as the Alice Comedies, part of the original Alice in Wonderland, being filmed on the premises.

Yankee Candle Company

Michael Kittredge made his first candle at 16 years old in 1969 from melted crayons, to give his mother as a gift. As his neighbours started expressing interest, he started to make more and in four years moved out of the garage to a bigger building. The Yankee Candle Company is now the US’ largest scented candle manufacturer.


Steve Wozniak started developing the baseline for Apple personal computers, the Apple I, with Steve Jobs at the latter’s garage. Assembling the circuit boards, building parts, and constructing everything needed was done from the garage. They managed to build 50 computers by hand in just 30 days.


Now the best search website in the world, Google started in Susan Wojcicki’s garage in 1998. Larry Page and Sergey Brin, Stanford Graduate students, based their operations at the garage for five months while indexing websites and developing algorithms. They outgrew the garage in a year, taking Susan along as their Vice President of Product Management.


William S. Harley and Arthur Davidson worked out of a friend’s wooden shed in 1901 to build their motor-bicycle. The then equivalent to a garage was only 10 ft by 15 ft but they quickly expanded and formed their company in 1903. As the most well-known brand of high-octane and high-quality motorbikes, it seems hard to believe that their first prototype was for a small motored bicycle.


Beginning the Dell Computer Corporation in his off-campus dorm accommodation in 1984, Michael Dell started building his computers while still at the University of Texas at Austin. When confident that his business would be successful, he dropped out of university and ran his business from his garage. His computers began to sell really well in 1985, making him a gross profit of $73 million just in that first year.

Providing the best possible garages for rent, at Lock Up Garages we’re sure you’ll find what you need. Simply get in touch if you have any questions!

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