Most Common Items Found In Garages

In the busy lives we all have today, a garage is always the best solution to store belongings and provide a member of the family with a space of their own. In most cases, garages end up being a miscellaneous space used by everyone in the family to store magazines, DIY tools and even that electric bike you only ever used once.

However, there are some things that you will find in every single garage…

1. Paint Cans

Well, you’re not going to risk it and store used paint cans in the corner of the living room where your children will definitely throw them on the floor in a matter of days. Chances are that the paint left inside these cans has not been used for months or even years. But it’s always useful to keep some in case your three-year-old decides to turn into a Van Gogh and redecorate your bedroom walls…

2. Work Gloves

These are a must, as you’ll find yourself using them on so many occasions: working in the garden at night to get rid of the slugs that seem to love your strawberries, taking the rubbish out, and even emptying your cat’s litter box! Just make sure you keep the gloves in a visible place, or you think you have lost them and will purchase new ones. (And, in a matter of a year or less, gloves will have multiplied around your garage).

3. Old Newspapers and Magazines

Perhaps it’s the collection of comic books you loved when you were a teenager, or your children’s school books or old dated newspapers. Everyone is guilty of having towers of those in their garage – if you haven’t seen them yet, it’s just because they’re hiding behind a shelf or a mountain of sport gear.

Why we keep things like this is still a mystery. We’re never going to read them again, that’s for sure, but they do often hold some sentimental value – like those calligraphy books your children learnt to write with.

 4. Spiders

If there are lodgers in any garage – no matter what part of the country it’s in – these are spiders, although sizes and species change according to the location, of course. They may scare your kids and disgust you but, seriously, think twice before sending these creatures away. Yes, it’s true they are not paying you any rent, but they do something for you, and that’s keeping flies and other pests that are also trying to take advantage of your garage away.

5. Bikes

It’s not a good idea to leave the bike in the backyard. First of all, the rain will rust it pretty quickly, and its chances of being stolen multiply. That is why people who have garages use them to keep their bikes safe and in the best condition possible. (You wouldn’t leave a pile of cash in the garden to be attacked by the rain, right?)

Here at Lockup Garages we pride ourselves on providing our clients with the best garages they can use to store all those things they still need but can’t fit in their houses. Our garages are suited to keep your belongings comfortably and safe. Contact our friendly team today and we will be delighted to help.

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