Rick and Morty
The American animated series follows the life of dimension travelling grandad and scientist and his weird and wonderful lab in his garage. Originally starting as an animated short parody from Back To The future it has received both criticism and praise for its creativity, controversy, originality and humour. The garage serves as Ricks workshop where he stores his underground prison for aliens and occasionally performs the odd operation.
Santa Clarita Diet
Santa Clarita Diet is a horror and comedy Netflix series which explores the life of Sheila and Joel- Real estate agents from Santa Clarita. When Sheila takes a turn for the worst and transforms into a zombie who needs to eat human flesh, it’s safe to say their lives took a dark twist. In the series, Sheila uses a garage to set up her smoothie machine and a fridge to store her bodies. The series shows many garage scenes, including one when Sheila’s daughter steals a man’s motorbike and ends up killing him for her mother’s dinner. Everyone needs a balanced diet, right?
Bill and Ted
Maybe one of the most classic garage based films. This film dates to the late 80s and shows Bill and Ted, spending too much time in their garage, ending up travelling through time to gather historical figures for a school presentation. Keanu Reeves and Alex Winters garage is the setting of the scene for their rock band The Wyld Stallyns… until they blow the power.
Pirates of Silicon Valley
You may have seen the new blockbuster film ‘Steve Jobs’ based on the rise of Apple, but this is the original biographical drama. This 1999 film spans the years between 91 and 97 and explores the rivalry between the Apple and Microsoft and the development and relationship between Steve Jobs and Bill Gates. Throughout the film we see endless arguments, quarrels and revelations in the garage space where the Apple computer was developed.
Breaking Bad
Back in around 2008, the entire world went mad for the show that saw Walter White begin producing and selling illegal drugs with his former student. It is now regarded as one of the greatest television series of all time, and by the end of the last series it was among the most watched shows on American TV, winning sixteen Emmy’s. Throughout the show we see numerous garage scenes, which are of prime narrative importance. From the scene where Hank punches Walter and where we see the huge amount of hidden money to the penultimate moment in Hanks garage where he discovered the truth behind Heisenberg, all these garage moments are key to this award-winning show.
Paranormal Activity 4
We are sure there are many horror movies that have creepy garage scenes, such as Scream and The Mist, but as the modern horror movie adapts, we see many found footage films coming onto our screens. Paranormal Activity hit cinemas in 2007 and has gone on to make six films in the franchise altogether. The fourth in the series saw a frightening scene where one of the main characters is trapped in the garage, and results in driving the car forcefully through the door. Don’t worry, you’ll never be locked in one of our lockup garages!
Providing the best garages for rent for our customers, we will make sure you find the right garage for you! (We also advise you don’t store dead bodies for blending, a huge amount of money from drugs, or experiment with dimensional travel whilst storing aliens)
Sometimes we can find that our homes are too small for all of the possessions that we accumulate in life. Or you may find that a new arrival to the family means you have to clear away a few key pieces of furniture until they’ve grown, exchanging the potentially hazardous glass coffee table for a baby changer for example. Buying a new home will undoubtedly cross your mind.
Instead, you should rent out a garage for storage. There’s no need for all the hassle of selling your home!
Storage Space
If you find the walls of your home are beginning to feel a little restricting, then it’s certainly time to consider a clear out of the many things that have piled up. However, there are plenty of items that you may simply find impossible to part with. Memories are priceless after all and you shouldn’t have to part with them in the name of space.
Some items are just in need of simple storage; particularly, photographs, memorabilia and even collectables. They are items that may have a great deal of meaning to you, but they do take up a lot of room in your home, and so storing them is the best solution. It could also save such precious memories in the case of fires, flooding or any other misfortunes that could befall your home. In the safety of an offsite garage, your memories will live on!
Extending Home
A garage can be seen as an extension of your home in many cases, as it means not having to give up either space or possessions in the pursuit of one another. If you have a two-bedroom house, you may consider upgrading to a three bed in order to gain that little bit of extra space. This can cost an incredible amount of money. For a much smaller fee each month you can rent a garage and gain the same amount of space, all without the hassle of moving or having to sell your current home.
Start a Business!
Being an entrepreneur from the comfort of your own home can be a highly freeing experience. It can also take up an incredible amount of space. For those who don’t want to mix business and pleasure, seeking a base outside of the home is an important step. However, renting storefronts can be a pricey exercise and one that many start-ups wish to avoid in the first few months of business.
A garage can be the perfect space to store stock away from the home, allowing you to have a base of operation so to speak. Much cheaper than renting out commercial space and a great help to getting your business off to a great start, without all of the usual high costs!
At Lock Up Garages, we specialise in providing garages for rent up and down the country. If you would like to find out more about any of our services, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with a member of our team by calling 020 8882 8575 and we will be more than happy to advise you further.